Photo gallery FERRADIX®

Anchoring traffic signs, urban furniture, barriers, trash cans, railings, fences, amateur soccer goals, mailboxes, benches, bike racks, billboards, election advertisements, bollards, shelters,traffic safety, signposting, urban furniture, barriers, trash cans, shelters, public parks, open space furniture, advertising systems and facility management.

Product use

The products in our FERRADIX® product range are designed for use as small foundations, specifically for traffic signs, information and pedestrian signs, street furniture such as benches, litter bins, barrier posts, railings and fences and sports facilities.

The application examples shown on our website and in our catalogs and brochures will help you determine which foundations are suitable for each application. However, the number and size of foundations required will depend on the type of soil as well as the size, weight, snow loads and wind loads of the objects to be supported. For example, a FERRADIX® foundation may not necessarily be suitable for anchoring a flagpole. Therefore, when it comes to using our products to anchor larger objects, we strongly recommend that you have the planned foundation verified by a static calculation. We assume no liability for any damage resulting from lacking or incorrect static calculations.

The user of the foundations is responsible for complying with existing regulations for use/installation. Among other things, the regulations and guidelines of the legislator, supervisory authorities and trade associations regarding execution, accident prevention and environmental protection must be observed. Before starting the installation work described in these instructions, make absolutely sure that no cables or pipes, such as electrical cables, TV, telephone or internet lines, water or gas pipes, etc. are running through the installation site of the object and the root pole foundation. The shaft and cable plans of the operator or utility company should be consulted and appropriate cable and route locators should be used to check the subsoil accordingly. Instructions for handling our products and user training by our staff regarding the optimal application and use of our FERRADIX® products are, of course, included in the scope of our services, but without any guarantee for the application in individual cases.

Limitation of liability

Subject to the above (product use) and any specific contractual provisions, the following applies. STRÄB GmbH & Co KG (hereinafter referred to as STRÄB) shall be fully liable in the event intentional or grossly negligent misconduct.

In cases of simple negligence on the part of STRÄB, STRÄB shall only be liable in the event of a breach of a material obligation (cardinal obligation). A breach of a material obligation shall not be deemed to exist in the event of 1) a breach of an obligation whose fulfillment is essential for the proper performance of the contract or 2) a breach which jeopardizes the achievement of the purpose of the contract and on the fulfillment upon which the customer may regularly rely.

In this case, STRÄB‘s liability shall be limited to any foreseeable and typical damage, and for each case of damage, to the amount of the remuneration paid under the contract or individual order in which the breach of duty occurred. STRÄB shall not be held liable for any damage caused by the purchaser or user due to improper use of the product, in particular due to non-compliance with the instructions for use (product application) and care instructions. Furthermore, STRÄB shall not be liable for lost profits, lost savings and indirect consequential damages. The statutory liability for injury to life, body and health and in accordance with the Product Liability Act remains unaffected by the limitations of liability. A limitation period of one [1] year shall apply to all claims against STRÄB for damages or compensation for futile expenses in the case of contractual and non-contractual liability. The limitation period shall commence at the time specified in § 199 (1) of the German Civil Code (BGB). The limitation period expires at the latest 5 years after the claim has arisen. The above three sentences shall not apply in the event of personal injury or under the Product Liability Act or in the event of a warranty for defects. The above liability and limitation rules also apply accordingly to the conduct of and claims against employees, legal representatives, vicarious agents and (sub)agents of STRÄB.

® Applies in all EU member states and Switzerland

Interested? Call German Käsmeier at +49 (0) 7024 9410-10 or contact him by e-mail: german.kaesmeier(at)